What Are All The Features Of PCM Multiplexer?
PCM is basically the pulse code modulation (PCM) which is the particular method used to digitally represent the sampled analog signals in better way. It is really the best standard form of the digital audio in the compact discs, computers, digital telephony and some other digital audio applications. In the stream of the pulse code modulation, the amplitude of analog signal is just sampled at the uniform intervals in the regular manner.
Each sample of this signal is quantized to the closed value within the range of the digital steps. In the various latest models of the multiplexer equipments, the pulse code modulation method is frequently used to give all such necessary features. It will give you more numbers of channels of voice signal through E1 channel in order to understand the extension of the telephone line via the E1 and E1 signal that is transmitted by the fiber multiplexer.
Considerable Features of PCM multiplexer:
When considering the features of pcm multiplexer equipment, they include
l It provides more numbers of channels of voice signals for the easy and quick transmission.
l At the same time, it will give full support to the call indication and also opposite pole Charging.
l The multiplexer equipment with the PCM technology is actually based on the self copyright IC.
l The voice port of this multiplexer actually supports S port and O port which are all connecting with the exchange and S port with the telephone of the user.
Important Things to Consider:
If it is the pcm multiplexer, the following are the most important and considerable technical parameters including,
l E1 interface with the perfect standard
l Good coding·
l Better interface rate
l Good impedance
l Desired jitter performance
l Nice connector
l Better line and internal clock
Whenever the individuals are looking for the highly cost effective solution, the PCM multiplexer is really the best choices for all. There are many numbers of top brand manufacturers available to provide you high quality and top rated multiplexers with the pcm technology. From among them, the buyers should need to pick the best quality and trusted brand for your regular use with the better performance.
When it comes to the pcm technology based multiplexer equipments, the buyers can find both the normal pulse code modulation multiplexer and also linear pulse code modulation multiplexer equipments in the market. The particular type of PCM multiplexers are very good options because they have better quantization levels in the linear uniform manner. The PCM stream of the specific types of multiplexer equipments actually has two basic properties which can be easily determined the fidelity of the stream to the original analog signals of the sample rate.